How to Order Vautrin Magazine

The best way to obtain the new Winter 2020 issue or back issues is to buy them from Watermark Books & Café  It’s easy to create an account.  Watermark processes mail orders every day of the week.

Available now, the new Winter 2020 issue: 

A good short story grabs you with a compelling voice while going where you’ve never been.  In the Winter 2020 issue of Vautrin, you’ll attend a wild early 20th century soiree, hang with grifters, eavesdrop on a prison writer’s workshop, and tough it out with hard luck characters on the brink of disaster.  The writers in this issue—Scott Phillips, Nikki Dolson, Thomas Pluck, Nick Kolakowski, Jen Conley, Bruce Jacobs, Paul Dee Fecteau, Stanton McCaffery, Peter Blauner and Jay Butkowski—are among the most interesting in crime fiction as it continues to evolve in the here and now. 

The Winter 2020 issue is available now at Watermark Books. Order it here

Vautrin Back Issues:

Highlights of Volume 1, Issue 1 include:

  • Fiction from native Wichitan Scott Phillips, titled Labio-Dental Fricative and featuring the return of the wily rogue Bill Ogden of Cottonwood and Hop Alley fame.
  • Poetry from the great Albert Goldbarth, sublimely cast in the Vautrin-esque trickster sweet spot.
  • Mystery fiction from award-winning Canadian writer Sylvia Maultash Warsh.
  • Raucous mafioso crime fiction from New Jersey writer Thomas Pluck, author of the forthcoming novel Riff Raff.
  • An essay about Juan Gabriel Vasquez’s novel The Shape of the Ruins, by former Watermarker, Susan Gusho.
  • An essay about literary movements by former Watermarker Jason Quinn Malott, author of The Evolution of Shadows.
  • Fictional intrigue from the pseudonymous Kerry Page.
  • Debut poetry from the extraordinary Suzannah Guthrie.
  • An astrology-infused crime story from a 1920 issue of The Black Mask (released to the public domain).
  • Essayist Paul Dee Fecteau ponders the Tarot as applicable to the Coen brother’s film The Big Lebowski.
  • An essay about Karl Ove Knausgaard’s My Struggle: Book Six, by Chicagoan Andrew Larson.
  • Poetry from Marysville’s Scott Richard that sneaks up on us, a la Ezra Pound.   
  • Trump Tower: The First Omen, by Carlos Herrera, in which the political consultant Nigel Strode ponders the reelection run of the GOP’s finest.
  • Cover art by former Watermarker, Beth Golay

The fall 2019 issue features the further adventures of Scott Phillips’s character, Bill Ogden, new short fiction from Flannery O’Connor Award winner Becky Mandelbaum, penetrating symbolic insight from Paul Dee Fecteau, book reviews, satire and more.

Vautrin Summer 2020 Issue Coming in July

Balzac had Le Voleur.  Chandler had The Black Mask.  You’ve got Vautrin.

Highlights of the summer 2020 issue include:

  • A rendezvous with commerce for Scott Phillips’s wily rogue, Bill Ogden, set in early twentieth century Los Angeles
  • Voice and intrigue to the fore in short stories by Ellery Queen stalwarts Marilyn Todd and Leslie Elman
  • Variations on that theme via poetry by David Weed and Scott Richard
  • Impressionistic short fiction by Trista Wilson
  • A spot-on take on James Sallis by Bruce Jacobs
  • Paul Dee Fecteau trips on the High Priestess in his latest essay about Tarot and film
  • Jason Quinn Malott trains his eye on the type of fiction that’s worth pursuing
  • In a pseudonymous effort from Cat Cornelius, Amethyst found a flaw in the fabric of time.  Can a man called the Mechanic fix it?
  • Black Mask fiction from Ward Sterling
  • Carlos Herrera catches up with Nigel Strode as the political consultant balances desire and the uphill battle to reelect the GOP’s finest”

Order the Summer issue from Watermark Books & Café:

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